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The Conscious Bar

The Conscious Bar, a brand that offers ethically sourced and delicious chocolate bars with healthier ingredient alternatives, partnered with Blossom Ecom to build out their email marketing system. Our goal was to create a series of delicious-looking email flows that would educate consumers on our revolutionary approach to chocolate, resonate with chocolate lovers, drive sales, and build a loyal customer base.

Welcome Flow

For the Welcome Flow, we designed a series of inviting emails that modeled a customer journey, including a welcome message, an introduction to the brand’s ethical practices and delicious products, and an exclusive discount to encourage first-time purchases.

Welcome Flow The Conscious Bar

Abandoned Cart Flow

To recover potential lost sales, we implemented an Abandoned Cart Flow. This series of emails reminded customers of the delicious chocolate left in their cart and encouraged them to complete their purchase with special incentives and a sense of urgency.

Abandoned Cart Flow The Conscious Bar

Abandoned Browse Flow

Our Abandoned Browse Flow targeted customers who had shown interest in The Conscious Bar’s products but hadn’t made a purchase. The emails highlighted the unique benefits of the viewed items and included personalized recommendations to bring them back to the website.

Abandoned Browse Flow The Conscious Bar

Post-Purchase Flow

The Post Purchase Flow was designed to enhance customer satisfaction and encourage repeat purchases. After a customer made a purchase, they received a series of thank-you emails, tips on enjoying their chocolate, and exclusive offers to keep them engaged with the brand.

Post-Purchase Flow The Conscious Bar

Full-Service Email Marketing for eCom Brands

Full-Service Email Marketing for eComMERCE Brands

The Blossom team is ready to work with you!

Select the best option for your email marketing needs.

The Blossom team is ready to work with you! Select the best option for your email marketing needs.


Email Marketing Audit

Schedule a 15-minute call to set up your complimentary Email Marketing Audit. We’ll go over a few things:


Consultation Call

Schedule a 15-minute call to set up your complimentary Email Marketing Audit. We’ll go over a few things:

Learn about our expertise, services offered, and how we can customize a strategy unique to your brand.

brainstorm 1

Learn Our Secrets

Check out our free email marketing masterclass, where we show you how to do what we do.


Free Growth Session

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.