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Camila Oliva | 09/10/2024 – Want our team to manage your entire email marketing? Click here.

Top 5 Split Testing Ideas for Facebook Ads

Facebook ads can be a competitive game. 

Whether you’re starting from scratch or already running a few campaigns, 

You want to make sure that you’re getting the highest return possible. 

And that means split testing.

I have seen it time and time again. 

Company X sends the same exact ad to two different audiences and gets drastically different results. 

This begs the question, why do some companies use a spray and pray approach? 

We can tell you from experience that not using split testing is one of the worst mistakes you can make.

So how do you know what split test to run? 

Here are 5 winning split testing ideas to crush your competition.

1. Split test audience sizes

2. Test different ad types: (Text and images)

3. Test ad placement & ad frequency

4. Test what is said in your ads (a long copy ad versus a short copy ad)

5. Test campaign budget (3 different offers)

So many factors can affect whether or not someone buys, but one of the most influential is your ad. 

If you haven’t been using split testing with your ads, you could miss out on some major conversions. 

With “Split Testing”, you can find which ads do the best and drive traffic without wasting any time or money!

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